Developing a Scope and Sequence for Intensive Math Intervention
Developing a Scope and Sequence for Intensive Math Intervention
Intensive Intervention in Mathematics Course: Module 1 Overview
This module focuses on the mathematics content necessary to include within intensive intervention. This includes matching decisions about instruction and assessment to the mathematics content. In this module, educators will learn about:
- The necessity for providing intensive intervention in mathematics at any grade level
- The foundational mathematics skills necessary for mathematics competence
- How to sequence mathematics content along a continuum of mathematics learning
This module is divided into three parts, with an introduction and closing. A 508 compliant version of the full PowerPoint presentation across all parts of the module is available below.
Complete Slide Deck (508 compliant)
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This video introduces Module 1 and provides an overview of the module content and related activities.
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Part 1: Why is mathematics intensive intervention important?
Part 1 sets up the necessity for providing intensive intervention. Teachers review how earlier mathematics scores predict later mathematics scores and how mathematics performance during the school years predicts adulthood outcomes. Teachers also receive an overview of the intensive intervention framework from the National Center on Intensive Intervention.
Worksheets & Activities
Activity 1 - Examine NAEP Data
Journal Entry - Provide Rationale for Intensive Intervention
Part 2: What mathematical content do students need to master across kindergarten through eighth grade?
Part 2 emphasizes the need for developing a continuum of mathematics learning for each student before designing instruction within intensive intervention. Teachers review several mathematics content strands and determine the continuum of mathematics skills for each strand. Then, teachers learn to blend strands for a comprehensive continuum of mathematics learning.
Worksheets & Activities
Activity 2 - Put Operations Standards in Order
Activity 3 - Put Problem-Solving Standards in Order
Activity 4 - Determine Skill Gaps
Discussion Board - Reflect Upon Upcoming Lessons
Part 3: How to identify mathematical content for intensive intervention and how to sequence intervention content?
Part 3 expands upon the continuum of mathematics learning from Part 2. Teachers learn how to use diagnostic, formative, and summative data to determine appropriate content for intensive intervention.
Worksheets & Activities
Activity 5 - Determine Skill Needed to Successfully Solve Problems
Activity 6 - Determine Intervention Needs for a Student
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Closing: What are the next steps?
The closing video reviews the content provided in the module and concludes with a classroom application activity.
Worksheets & Activities
Classroom Application: Identify and Map Foundational Mathematics Skills
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Coaching Materials and Facilitation Guide
"Coaching/Facilitator Guide" helps facilitate implementation, reflection, and feedback. It is intended for use by external (i.e., SEA or LEA staff, faculty, project-based coaches) or internal (i.e., school-based instructional coaches) coaches working directly with in-service educators who are learning and practicing the course content. Additionally, materials within the coaching/facilitator guide can be adapted by faculty as they prepare pre-service educators. The goal for coaching/facilitation is to ensure that educators are practicing the content they are learning and receiving feedback to improve their instruction. Included in this guide are: (a) sample communication emails, (b) a master checklist, (c) a discussion guide with important talking points, and (d) a fidelity form that can be completed by a coach/facilitator when observing classroom instruction.