Breaking Down the DBI Process Questions & Considerations
Breaking Down the DBI Process Questions & Considerations
Data-based individualization (DBI) is a research-based process for individualizing and intensifying interventions through the systematic use of assessment data, validated interventions, and research-based adaptation strategies. The DBI process includes five iterative steps:
- Step 1: Validated Intervention Program
- Step 2: Progress Monitoring
- Step 3: Diagnostic Data
- Step 4: Intervention Adaptation
- Step 5: Ongoing Progress Monitoring
This one-page handout provides an overview of the five steps of the DBI process and questions to consider at each step. The handout can be used to introduce DBI or to guide teams as they reflect on DBI implementation.
Related Resources
Learn more about DBI and intensive intervention
Introduction to Intensive Intervention
Data-Based Individualization: A Framework for Intensive Intervention