Understanding Screening: What Do the Screening Standards Mean?
Understanding Screening: What Do the Screening Standards Mean?
We know that validity, reliability, classification accuracy, statistical bias, and sample representativeness are important considerations when reviewing screening tools, but what do they actually mean? These five screening one-page documents provide a brief overview of each of these areas that are used on the NCII Screening Tools Charts. These one-pagers include a definition, examples, and information on why that particular standard is important for understanding the quality of screening tools.
In addition to the one pagers, a collection of infographic briefs were developed to support users understanding of each of the technical standards.
Understanding Screening: Classification Accuracy Infographic Brief
Understanding Screening: Validity Infographic Brief
Understanding Screening: Reliability Infographic Brief
Understanding Screening: Statistical Bias Infographic Brief
Understanding Screening: Sample Representativeness Infographic Brief
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