Intensifying Literacy Instruction: Essential Practices
Intensifying Literacy Instruction: Essential Practices
The purpose of this document is to increase the capacity of practitioners and educational leaders to support a broad range of learners who need more literacy supports to become skilled readers and writers by identifying a set of essential practices that are research-supported and should be the focus of professional development. These practices for intensifying literacy instruction apply to those learners with severe and persistent reading and writing challenges who have not responded when provided with instruction aligned with state academic standards, regardless of disability status. The key practices outlined in this document include:
- Knowledge and use of a learning progression for developing skilled readers and writers
- Design and use of an evidence-based intervention platform as the foundation for effective intervention
- On-going data-based decision making for providing and intensifying interventions
- Adaptations to increase the instructional intensity of the intervention
- Infrastructures (systems) to support students with severe and persistent literacy needs
To learn more about this resource, watch the archived webinar featuring Drs. Kim St. Martin and Sharon Vaughn. They highlight some key essential practices and reflect on considerations for implementation. Drs. St. Martin and Vaughn focus on ways educators and educational leaders can increase their capacity to develop skilled readers and writers, identify critical dimensions for designing intervention platforms as the foundation for effective instruction, and adapt interventions to increase the instructional intensity.
The suggested citation for this document is:
St. Martin, K., Vaughn, S., Troia, G., Fien, & H., Coyne, M. (2020). Intensifying literacy instruction: Essential practices. Lansing, MI: MiMTSS Technical Assistance Center, Michigan Department of Education.
Related Resources
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Literacy Lessons to Support Intensifying Interventions
Taxonomy of Intervention Intensity
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