Rhode Island State Story
The Rhode Island Department of Education (RIDE) has been partnering with the National Center on Intensive Intervention (NCII) since 2012 to support data-based individualization within Rhode Island. Learn more about their implementation journey.
Rhode Island State Story
Rhode Island's Intensive Intervention Implementation Story
Since 2012, RIDE has learned alongside local education agency personnel (at both district and school levels) about what it takes to implement data-based individualization (DBI) within a multi-tiered system of supports (MTSS). Early on in the work, two LEAs were deeply engaged in DBI implementation: Bristol Warren Regional School District and Coventry School District. After witnessing positive student outcomes for learners with severe and persistent academic and/or behavioral needs through DBI implementation, RIDE opted to invest more deeply in scaling both MTSS and DBI through the following initiatives: State Systemic Improvement Plan and BRIDGE-RI (the Home of MTSS in Rhode Island). In addition to these investments, RIDE has seen DBI organically spread to other LEAs, as a result of personnel moving from one place to another in the state and taking MTSS/DBI with them and by promoting DBI within grants to LEAs and guidance. RIDE also partners with the Rhode Island Parent Information Network, who has co-developed resources related to communicating about intensive intervention to parents and families.
View the video below to learn more about DBI implementation in Rhode Island.
This infographic illustrates a timeline of MTSS implementation in Rhode Island spanning from 1999 to today.

Additional Related Rhode Island Resources
Rhode Island Initiative Alignment Matrix
Intensive Intervention: A Practitioner’s Guide for Communicating with Parents and Families