North Carolina State Story
Since 2018, the North Carolina Department of Public Instruction has partnered with NCII to build capacity and infrastructure to support data-based individualization (DBI) implementation. Learn more about their implementation journey.
North Carolina State Story
North Carolina's Intensive Intervention Implementation Story
In 2018, North Carolina began its partnership with NCII. This video describes the reasoning behind the state’s involvement with NCII and how the partnership is so critical to the work across state initiatives. From the Department of Public Instruction (DPI), their state education agency, to their North Carolina State Improvement Project (NC SIP), state-wide coaches, and institutions of higher education, North Carolina is building a strong infrastructure for intensive intervention and DBI. In the short time since the start, these partners have built a strong system of dissemination throughout the state, utilizing tools developed by NCII to support DBI implementation across state initiatives.