Intensive Mathematics Intervention: Instructional Delivery
Intensive Mathematics Intervention: Instructional Delivery
Intensive Intervention in Mathematics Course: Module 4 Overview
Modules 1, 2, and 3 set-up the instructional platform (Module 3) and assessment practices (Module 2) necessary for intensive intervention. Module 4 focuses on the delivery of the instructional platform. We rely on evidence-based strategies to inform how teachers should deliver the instructional platform. In this module, educators will learn about:
- How to use modeling and practice within explicit instruction
- Different types of mathematical representations to enhance the instructional platform
- Why it is necessary to use formal mathematics language
This module is divided into three parts, with an introduction and closing. A 508 compliant version of the full PowerPoint presentation across all parts of the module is available below.
Complete Slide Deck (508 compliant)
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This video introduces Module 4 and provides an overview of the module content and related activities.
Related Videos
Part 1: How do you use explicit instruction within intensive intervention?
Part 1 reviews explicit instruction. Teachers learn modeling begins with a statement of the goal and importance of learning a skill in mathematics. We explain modeling as a step-by-step overview of mathematics skills with meaningful examples and non-examples. Teachers also learn about the use of guided and independent practice. We emphasize the need for high- and low-level questions, frequent responses, adequate feedback, and maintaining a brisk pace during both modeling and practice.
Worksheets & Activities
Activity 1 - Identify Components of Modeling in an Intervention
Activity 2 - Using Examples and Non-Examples for Modeling and Practice
Activity 3 - Identify Additional Components of Modeling
Activity 4 - Identify Supporting Practices in an Intervention
Discussion Board – Feedback on Explicit Instruction
Related Videos
Video Example: A tutor models how to solve a word problem about change.
(Associated with Activity 1)
Part 2: How should multiple representations be used within intensive intervention?
Part 2 highlights the use of multiple representations to enhance the delivery of the instructional platform. Teachers learn the importance of using concrete (i.e., manipulatives) tools and pictorial representations to help students understand the numbers and symbols (i.e., abstract) of mathematics.
Worksheets & Activities
Activity 5 - Identify Concrete Materials for Intensive Intervention
Activity 6 - Identify 10 Virtual Representations for Intensive Intervention
Activity 7 - Determine CRA Needs for a Student
Discussion Board – Describe Pros and Cons of Manipulatives and Representations
Related Videos
Video Example: A student adds 6 + 8 (Associated with Activity 7)
Part 3: How do you attend to language within intensive intervention?
Part 3 describes the importance of using formal mathematics language in intensive intervention. Teachers review precision with mathematics language and work through examples in which formal language could replace informal language.
Worksheets & Activities
Activity 8 - “Instead of …, say…!” Chart
Activity 9 - Precise and Concise Language
Discussion Board – Share Three “Instead of …., say…!” Ideas
Related Videos
Closing: What are the next steps?
The closing video reviews the content covered in the module and concludes with a classroom application activity.
Worksheets & Activities
Classroom Application: Using the Explicit Instruction Graphic Organizer
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Coaching Materials and Facilitation Guide
"Coaching/Facilitator Guide" helps facilitate implementation, reflection, and feedback. It is intended for use by external (i.e., SEA or LEA staff, faculty, project-based coaches) or internal (i.e., school-based instructional coaches) coaches working directly with in-service educators who are learning and practicing the course content. Additionally, materials within the coaching/facilitator guide can be adapted by faculty as they prepare pre-service educators. The goal for coaching/facilitation is to ensure that educators are practicing the content they are learning and receiving feedback to improve their instruction. Included in this guide are: (a) sample communication emails, (b) a master checklist, (c) a discussion guide with important talking points, and (d) a fidelity form that can be completed by a coach/facilitator when observing classroom instruction.