Informal Academic Diagnostic Assessment: Using Data to Guide Intensive Instruction (DBI Professional Learning Series Module 5)
Informal Academic Diagnostic Assessment: Using Data to Guide Intensive Instruction (DBI Professional Learning Series Module 5)
This training module, Informal Academic Diagnostic Assessment: Using Data to Guide Intensive Instruction, includes four sections that (a) provide an overview of administering common general outcome measures for progress monitoring in reading and mathematics, (b) review graphed progress monitoring data, and (c) provide guidance on identifying what type of skills the intervention should target to be most effective in reading and mathematics.
The module is intended to be delivered by a trained, knowledgeable professional. It includes a PowerPoint presentation with speaker notes and handouts.
Part 1: Administering Academic Progress Monitoring Measures
Part 2: Reviewing Graphed Data
Part 3: Skills Analysis in Reading and Math
Part 4: Identifying Target Skills in Reading and Math
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