Antecedent and Instructional Strategies

Antecedent and Instructional Strategies

Behavior Support for Intensive Intervention Course: Module 3 Overview

This module applies behavioral theory to strategy to use in the classroom. The focus is on antecedents and instructional strategies. This module should be viewed once the basic behavioral terms have been learned. By the end of this module you should be able to:

  • Maximize structure in the classroom
  • Post, teach, prompt, review, monitor and reinforce a small number of positively stated expectations
  • Actively engage students in observable ways

This module is divided into four parts, with an introduction and closing. A 508 compliant version of the full PowerPoint presentation across all parts of the module is available below.

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This video introduces Module 3 and provides an overview of module content and related activities.




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Part 1: What are the 5 critical features of effective classroom management?

Part 1 connects the behavioral terms learned in Module 1 and 2.



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Part 2: How do I maximize structure in my classroom?

Part 2 explains what it means to have an evidence-based classroom management structure. What does it look like to physically arrange the environment effectively and plan for routines?


Note that at the beginning of this video, the presenter mistakenly mentions that this is Part 2 of Module 4 instead of Part 2 of Module 3.


Worksheets & Activities


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Part 3: How do I define and teach my expectations?

Part 3 describes how to develop, establish and teach class wide expectations.


Note that at the beginning of this video, the presenter mistakenly mentions that this is Part 3 of Module 4 instead of Part 3 of Module 3.


Worksheets & Activities


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Part 4: How do I use active engagement and instructional strategies to prevent problem behavior?

Part 4 focuses on how to use active engagement and instructional management strategies to prevent problem behavior.


Worksheets & Activities


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The closing video reviews the content provided in the module and concludes with a self-assessment quiz.



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