Using Informal Diagnostic Data to Individualize Academic Intervention

Using Informal Diagnostic Data to Individualize Academic Intervention

Resource Type
Training Modules
Developed By
National Center on Intensive Intervention
Publication Date

This module provides an overview of how to use informal diagnostic data to individualize academic intervention. The module is intended to help educators learn how to use practical and efficient approaches to collect and analyze data and develop a hypothesis about why a student has not yet responded to an intervention

At the end of the training participants will be able to:

  • Define the role of informal diagnostic data within the data-based individualization (DBI) process.​
  • Identify relevant and alterable variables that impact a student’s success in an intervention.
  • Describe practical and efficient approaches to collecting informal diagnostic data.​
  • Understand a process for using informal diagnostic data to develop a hypothesis about why a student has not yet responded to an intervention.

These training materials are part of a larger set of presentations that cover informal academic diagnostic data. The content is intended to be delivered by a trained, knowledgeable professional.

Using Informal Diagnostic Data to Individualize Academic Intervention Slides


Related Resources

Learn about diagnostic data and find additional professional development resources in this series.

Informal Academic Diagnostic Assessment: Using Data to Guide Intensive Instruction

Using Diagnostic Data to Inform Intervention Planning

Diagnostic Data

Example Diagnostic Tools

Resource Type
Training Modules
DBI Process
Diagnostic Data
Implementation Guidance and Considerations
Training Materials
Trainers and Coaches
Higher Education Faculty