This webinar introduce a series of data teaming tools designed to help facilitators and participants before, during, and after their intervention meeting.
Resource Type
DBI Process
Implementation Guidance and Considerations
Student Population
This interactive self-paced module is intended to help educators and administrators learn about using teaming to support the data-based individualization (DBI) process.
This checklist can be used by teams to help identify ideas to intensify interventions based on their hypothesis for why the student may not be responding to an intervention. The checklist is aligned with the dimensions of the Taxonomy of Intervention Intensity.
This question bank includes questions that teams can use to develop a hypothesis about why an individual or group of students may not be responding to an intervention.
With the closure of schools due to the COVID-19 pandemic, educators and administrators need to rethink how they collect and analyze progress monitoring data in a virtual setting. This collection of frequently asked questions is intended to provide a starting place for consideration.
This template is intended to assist with the planning and documentation of dimensions of an intervention for small groups or an individual student within the data-based individualization (DBI) process.
This module describes how to use data (Module 6) to inform decision making in the classroom. How do you know you are choosing the right interventions, and implementing with the right intensity, to influence a change in student behavior? By the end of this module you should be able to: Describe why we use data for decision making Determine if core features of classroom management practices are in place with fidelity Determine if all individuals in your classroom are achieving desired outcomes Develop an action plan to enhance or intensify support as needed
This fourteen minute video shares Wyoming’s journey in building the capacity of educators to implement data-based individualization (DBI) to improve academic and behavior outcomes for students with disabilities as part of their state systemic improvement plan (SSIP). Wyoming administrators, teachers, parents and students from Laramie County School District # 1 and preschool sites share how DBI implementation impacted teacher efficacy, team meetings, quality of services, student confidence, and state and local collaboration.
Teams are a vital part of an effective multi-tiered system of supports (MTSS) across both academics and behavior as well as special education. Making connections across the across the various teams used in MTSS and special education can be challenging. This resource from NCII and the PBIS Center, provides information about how DBI can support IEP implementation and provides a table with key considerations for teams working across the MTSS system.
The purpose of this document is to provide an overview of the Center’s accomplishments and to highlight a set of lessons learned from the 26 schools that implemented intensive intervention while receiving technical support from the Center.