Using Behavior Data to Inform Decisions
Using Behavior Data to Inform Decisions
Intensive Intervention in Behavior Course: Module 7 Overview
This module describes how to use data (Module 6) to inform decision making in the classroom. How do you know you are choosing the right interventions, and implementing with the right intensity, to influence a change in student behavior? By the end of this module you should be able to:
- Describe why we use data for decision making
- Determine if core features of classroom management practices are in place with fidelity
- Determine if all individuals in your classroom are achieving desired outcomes
- Develop an action plan to enhance or intensify support as needed
This module is divided into four parts, with an introduction and closing. A 508 compliant version of the full PowerPoint presentation across all parts of the module is available below.
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This video introduces Module 7 and provides an overview of module content and related activities.
Part 1: How do we know if core features of classroom management are in place with fidelity?
Part 1 explains how to know if you are doing the 5 critical features of classroom management the way you think you are. This is an important first step to measure before deciding if students are responding or not.
Worksheets & Activities
Part 2: How do we know if students are achieving desired outcomes?
Part 2 explains how to know if students are achieving desired outcomes. This is the next step after determining that the core features of practice are implemented with fidelity.
Worksheets & Activities
Part 3: How do we use data to define the nature of the problem?
Part 3 describes how to use data to define the nature of the problem. Defining the problem is the most critical step in data-based decision making. Who is involved? What does it look like? Why is it happening?
Worksheets & Activities
Part 4: How do we intensify our plan to improve outcomes?
Part 4 takes the data and the defined problem and connects it to the strategies you have learned. You will use this information to intensify your plan to improve outcomes. How do you develop an action plan?
Worksheets & Activities
The closing video reviews the content provided in the module and concludes with a module quiz and classroom application activity.
Worksheets & Activities