Why is it important to embed intensive interventions within a three tiered system of supports?

Why is it important to embed intensive interventions within a three tiered system of supports?

Resource Type
Developed By
National Center on Intensive Intervention

In this video, Dr. Steve Goodman, Director of Michigan's Integrated Behavior and Learning Support Initiative, discusses the benefits of embedding intensive intervention within a multi-tiered system of support.






Question: Why is it important to embed intensive interventions within a three tiered system of supports?

Answer: There’re a number of advantages for considering intensive intervention within a three tiered model. A three tiered model provides a proactive approach, where we are investing in early intervention to reduce the likelihood of more intensive needs [for students] later on. So if we do well with a universal or core program, we may reduce the need or the severity [of need] for students who would require Tier II or Tier III approaches. There’s also an advantage that we can use a multi-tiered system of supports to identify students with more intensive needs because they are not successful enough with the universal or the tier [Tier II approach]. Another advantage is that we can layer supports. So with a multi-tiered system, those requiring the most intensive supports may also require the universal program as well as a Tier II approach. And finally, students’ needs really vary across context and content.  A student who has severe needs in the area of reading may do well with math or they may do well with behavior, so we need to look at the specific context and the content of what the intensive needs are and provide multiple levels of support across [those needs]. We also need to set up the environment to be most effective and efficient, and a multi-tiered system of support will [help to do that]. By reducing the number of students who need more intensive support, we can then allocate staff to be more effective and really provide the time and the intensity for students with a [need for] Tier III support. 


Resource Type
DBI Process
Multi-Tiered System of Support
Implementation Guidance and Considerations
Policy & Guidance
Trainers and Coaches
State and Local Leaders