Virtual Lesson Example: Show Me the Number Using Base Ten Blocks
Virtual Lesson Example: Show Me the Number Using Base Ten Blocks
This lesson features Carla Jo Whatley, a First Grade Teacher at Ferris Intermediate in Ferris ISD in Texas. In the lesson she illustrates how to use virtual manipulatives within a math lesson. These manipulatives allow educators and students to engage in the Concrete-Representational-Abstract approach without having the physical materials in front of them. For some educators, switching between platforms has been challenging. This lesson can be used synchronously or asynchronously, does not require using multiple platforms, and allows educators to apply the features of interactive base ten blocks. The collection includes a tip sheet, two video examples, and slides with virtual base ten block practice examples.
How to Use Virtual Base Ten Blocks: Video Tutorial
This video walks through how to use slides as virtual manipulatives to help students with their conceptual understanding of numbers.
Intervention Example Using Virtual Base Ten Blocks
This video provides an example of how to conduct an intervention with a student using virtual manipulatives.
This lessons were developed as part of a National Center on Intensive Intervention Community of Practice with educators focused on implementing intervention virtually during Spring 2020 in response to COVID-19. Participating educators represented Colorado, Oregon, Rhode Island, Texas, and Washington. These activities were developed by practitioners and are intended to showcase example strategies that educators have used to deliver intervention in a virtual environment during the pandemic. Please note that NCII does not endorse specific intervention programs. As such, any programs noted in these documents are used for illustrative purposes only, or as potential resources for source materials (e.g., sample text, graphic organizers).