Multiplying Fractions: 2 x 2/3

Multiplying Fractions: 2 x 2/3

Resource Type

This video demonstrates how to use fraction tiles to multiply a fraction and whole number. Students should have experience with determining the fraction of a whole (2 x 2/3) before being introduced to determining the fraction of a fraction (2/3 x 3/4). Before students multiply fractions, they should understand the concepts of repeated addition and grouping as it is used with multiplication of whole numbers. Teachers can model how to create equivalent groups (such as two groups of 2/3). Students can then use skills of addition and converting improper fractions to mixed numbers to find the product.





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View other videos in this series and find related sample lessons and activities.

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Mathematics Strategies to Support Intensifying Interventions

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DBI Process
Intervention Adaptation
Implementation Guidance and Considerations
Training Materials
Trainers and Coaches
Higher Education Faculty