Designing and Delivering Intensive Interventions: A Teacher's Toolkit
Designing and Delivering Intensive Interventions: A Teacher's Toolkit
This toolkit provides activities and resources to assist practitioners in designing and delivering intensive interventions in reading and mathematics for K–12 students with significant learning difficulties and disabilities. Grounded in research, this toolkit is based on the Center on Instruction’s Intensive Interventions for Students Struggling in Reading and Mathematics: A Practice Guide, and includes the following resources:
- a professional development activity that illustrates how to intensify instructional delivery within interventions,
- an intervention planning worksheet that (a) guides practitioners through recommendations and considerations for intensifying interventions and (b) asks practitioners to record specific actions they will use to intensify interventions,
- a lesson reflection template for teachers to reflect on the instruction they provided during a particular intervention session and outline improvements for subsequent sessions, and
- a matrix of supplemental resources that practitioners can consult to extend learning about particular aspects of intensive interventions.
Supplemental Resources/Documents
Learn more about intensifying interventions
Intensive Interventions: A Teacher's Toolkit App
Intensive Interventions for Students Struggling in Reading and Mathematics