To Be Clear: What Every Educator Needs to Know About Explicit Instruction
To Be Clear: What Every Educator Needs to Know About Explicit Instruction
Explicit instruction, identified as a high-leverage practice or HLP in special education by the CEEDAR Center and CEC, is defined as “a way of teaching where the teacher selects an important objective, specifies the learning outcome, designs structured instructional experiences, explains directly, models the skills being taught, and provides scaffolded practice to help a student achieve mastery” (Kearns, 2018). In this webinar, held February 19, 2019, Drs. Rebecca Zumeta Edmonds, Sarah Powell, and Devin Kearns, 1) reviewed the evidence-base behind explicit instruction for students with disabilities and 2) highlighted recently released course content that is designed to help educators learn how to deliver explicit instruction and review their current practices.
Related Research Cited by Dr. Sarah Powell
Related Resources
Learn more about the Features of Explicit Instruction Course
Intensive Intervention Course: Features of Explicit Instruction
Module 5: Modeling and Practicing to Help Students Reach Academic Goals
Module 6: Supporting Practices: Using Effective Methods to Elicit Frequent Responses
Module 7: Supporting Practices: Providing Immediate Specific Feedback and Maintaining a Brisk Pace
Module 8: Evaluating Use of Explicit Instruction to Support Students’ Academic Needs