This collection highlights a sampling of articles focused on intensive intervention and data-based individualization (DBI). Although there is a wealth of research on key components of the DBI process (e.g., progress monitoring, validated intervention programs), this list is not intended to include articles that focus on specific steps in the DBI process, nor is it an exhaustive review of all available literature. In the list below, we highlight seminal research on DBI and articles published since 2011, when NCII was first funded.
Resource Type
DBI Process
Implementation Guidance and Considerations
Student Population
NCII has developed six tools charts intended to assist educators and families in becoming informed consumers who can select academic and behavioral assessment tools and interventions that meet standards for technical rigor and address their specific needs.
The DBI process builds on a validated intervention program. This may also be called an evidence-based standard-protocol intervention or a Tier 2 intervention.
These professional learning training materials are intended to assist district or school teams involved in initial planning or implementation of data-based individualization (DBI) as a framework for providing intensive intervention in academics and behavior. The modules listed below provide an overview of the DBI process and more in-depth exploration of the various components of DBI.
In Module 3 of the Intensive Intervention in Mathematics Course Content we emphasize the necessity for using evidence-based interventions or strategies as the starting point of instruction within intensive intervention. In this module, educators will learn about: (1) The umbrella term of evidence-based practices and different types of evidence-based practices; (2) Where to locate evidence-based practices; (3) How to design the instructional platform for use within intensive intervention.
In this video, Ralph P. Ferretti, Professor of Education and Psychological & Brain Sciences at the University of Delaware explain why it is important to consider both the study quality and the study results when determining the evidence base of an intervention.
Module 4 of the Intensive Intervention in Mathematics Course Content focuses on the delivery of the instructional platform. We rely on evidence-based strategies to inform how teachers should deliver the instructional platform.
It is important that the instructional practices and interventions delivered within a school’s multi-tiered system of support (MTSS) be grounded in evidence. However, the “practice” that happens within each tier is different; therefore, the type of evidence that is required for each tier also must be different. A useful way to think about evidence-based practices in MTSS is to think about levels of evidence that vary and correspond to the different levels of intervention intensity at each tier. In the tables below, find resources to support the selection and evaluation of Tier 1, Tier 2, and Tier 3 or intensive interventions.
Diagnostic tools provide data to assist educators in designing individualized instruction and intensifying intervention for students who do not respond to validated intervention programs. Diagnostic tools can be either informal, which are easy-to-use tools that can be administered with little training, or standardized, which must be delivered in a standard way by trained staff. Teams may find it helpful to initially consider using more informal and easily accessible diagnostic tools and data to avoid loss of instructional time. Standardized diagnostic tools, which require more time to administer and interpret, may be required for students who continually demonstrate a lack of response or who require special education.
This guide is intended to accompany the sample literacy lessons and activities on the NCII website. It is divided into four sections covering the five components of reading, instructional principles of reading instruction intervention, how to use the NCII reading lessons, and additional resources.