Reading Progress Monitoring and Instructional Decision Making

Reading Progress Monitoring and Instructional Decision Making

Intensive Intervention in Reading Course: Module 4 Overview

This module provides an overview of data-based individualization (DBI), including using CBM measures, how to present level of performance and set student goals, and use data to make instructional decisions.

This module is divided into five parts with an introduction and closing. A 508 compliant version of the full PowerPoint presentation across all parts of the module, a version of the PowerPoint that includes all the animations, and a workbook is available below.

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This part provides an overview of the module including objectives for parts 1-5.


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Part 1: Overview of DBI in reading

This part provides an overview of how the DBI process applies to reading.


Worksheets & Activities


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Part 2: Selecting an appropriate curriculum-based measure (CBM) as well as administration and scoring of CBM

This part explains how to select, administer, and score CBMs in reading. This can serve as either a review or as a new topic.


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Part 3: Present level of performance and goal creation

In this part the teacher discusses how to determine a student’s present level of performance and how to set a goal. This includes determining the baseline starting point to then set a goal.


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Part 4: Utilizing data to make instructional decisions

This part continues what was learned about CBM, baseline data, and goal creation and explains how to use that progress monitoring data to make instructional decisions for students.


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Part 5: Putting it all together

This part summarizes what was learned throughout the module through an application activity.


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This concludes Module 4 with a classroom application activity and reading.


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Coaching materials and facilitation guide

"Coaching/Facilitator Guide" helps facilitate implementation, reflection, and feedback. It is intended for use by external (i.e., SEA or LEA staff, faculty, project-based coaches) or internal (i.e., school-based instructional coaches) coaches working directly with in-service educators who are learning and practicing the course content. Additionally, materials within the coaching/facilitator guide can be adapted by faculty as they prepare pre-service educators. The goal for coaching/facilitation is to ensure that educators are practicing the content they are learning and receiving feedback to improve their instruction. Included in this guide are: (a) sample communication emails, (b) a master checklist, (c) a discussion guide with important talking points, and (d) a fidelity form that can be completed by a coach/facilitator when observing classroom instruction.

Coaching/Facilitator Guide


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