Module 5 begins a series of modules on the topic of explicit instruction. Explicit instruction is about modeling and practicing to help students reach academic goals. Throughout the module, educators will learn how selecting an important objective and learning outcomes, designing structured instructional experiences, explaining directly, modeling the skills being taught and providing scaffolded practice to achieve mastery can be used within the DBI framework to support instruction.
Resource Type
DBI Process
Implementation Guidance and Considerations
Student Population
Module 6 is the second in a set of four course modules focused on explicit instruction. This module introduces the concept of supporting practices necessary for successful implementation of explicit instruction. The module introduces how to use effective methods to elicit frequent responses. Throughout the module, educators will learn how eliciting frequent responses support instruction within the DBI framework.
NCII partnered with Project STAIR (Supporting Teaching of Algebra: Individual Readiness) to host a series of three webinars focused on implementing data-based individualization (DBI) with a focus on mathematics during COVID-19 restrictions.
Module 7 is the third in a set of four course modules focused on explicit instruction. This module focuses on providing immediate specific feedback and maintaining a brisk pace. Throughout the module, educators will learn how eliciting providing immediate specific feedback and maintaining a brisk pace support instruction within the DBI framework.
This module serves as an introduction to important concepts and processes for implementing functional behavior assessment (FBA), including behavior basics such as reinforcement and punishment. Throughout this module, participants will discuss both real world and school based examples to become familiar with the FBA process and develop a deeper understanding and awareness of the functions of the behavior. Key topics include (a) defining FBAs in the context of DBI; (b) basic concepts in behavior, including antecedents, behaviors, and consequences; (c) levels of FBAs; and (d) considerations and procedures for conducting FBAs.
In Module 8 of the Intensive Intervention in Mathematics Course Content we highlight the necessity for implementing evidence-based practices with fidelity. We also explain how to make adaptations to the instructional platform when students demonstrate inadequate progress. We finish this module by putting all the information learned across modules together with the intensive intervention framework.
This is the first module in a series of modules about intensive intervention in reading. There are two parts in this module that answer the questions (1) why is intensive intervention in reading important? and (2) how does data-based individualization (DBI) apply to reading?
Module 2 of the Intensive Intervention in Mathematics Course Content focuses on the assessment components of intensive intervention. We provide an overview of assessments before diving into instruction in order to stress the importance that intensive intervention cannot occur without adequate assessments in place.
Data-based individualization (DBI) is a research-based process for individualizing and intensifying interventions through the systematic use of assessment data, validated interventions, and research-based adaptation strategies. The DBI process includes five iterative steps:
Module 8 is the fourth module in a set of four course modules focused on explicit instruction. This module reviews explicit instruction and the supporting practices. It includes a number of opportunities to view and evaluate lesson examples, apply what was learned, and self-reflect.